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Preliminary notes on synthetic control

import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
data = pd.read_csv('../data/cigs.csv')
state year cigs loggdppercap retprice pctage1524 beerpercap cigsalespercap88 cigsalespercap80 cigsalespercap75
0 AL 1970 89.8 9.679 89.344 0.175 18.96 112.1 123.2 111.7
1 AL 1971 95.4 9.679 89.344 0.175 18.96 112.1 123.2 111.7
2 AL 1972 101.1 9.679 89.344 0.175 18.96 112.1 123.2 111.7
3 AL 1973 102.9 9.679 89.344 0.175 18.96 112.1 123.2 111.7
4 AL 1974 108.2 9.679 89.344 0.175 18.96 112.1 123.2 111.7
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
1204 WY 1996 110.3 9.914 81.000 0.174 24.98 114.3 158.1 160.7
1205 WY 1997 108.8 9.914 81.000 0.174 24.98 114.3 158.1 160.7
1206 WY 1998 102.9 9.914 81.000 0.174 24.98 114.3 158.1 160.7
1207 WY 1999 104.8 9.914 81.000 0.174 24.98 114.3 158.1 160.7
1208 WY 2000 90.5 9.914 81.000 0.174 24.98 114.3 158.1 160.7

1209 rows × 10 columns

dcal = data.query("state=='CA'")


dcal = data.query("state=='CA'")
data.query("state != 'CA'").groupby('year')['cigs'].mean().plot(label="US")


Checking pretrends

We can regress using the other states as control.

data['D'] = (data['state']=='CA') & (data['year']>=1988)
data['T'] = (data['state']=='CA') 

To evaluate the pre-trend, we can estimate the coffecient of the interaction with the values leading to the event.

import statsmodels.formula.api as smf

# Initialise and fit linear regression model using `statsmodels`
model = smf.ols("cigs ~ C(year)  + C(year):C(T)", data=data)
model =

data_cal = data.query("state == 'CA'").copy()
data_cal['dep'] = model.predict(data_cal) - model.predict( data_cal.eval("T=False") )
plt.axvline(x=1988, linestyle=':',label="policy")
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x7f60f1d68d90>


Construct non treated outcome using observables

In this section we think about directly constructing a control group as a weighted sum of available non treated units. A simple choice would be to pick the state with the most similar observables. Or we could weight becased on the distance on obserbales.

Let's try both of these approaches.

Next we might want to change the way we construct our non-treated counterfactual for California. First we could choose to use observables characteristics to be added to our framework.

loggdppercap retprice pctage1524 beerpercap

# we start by computing pair-wise distances between observations